My KWoC 2023 Report

Kharagpur Winter of Code 2023 contribution report

What's KWoC? ❄

Kharagpur Winter of Code is a 5-week long online program for students who are new to open source software development. The program not only helps students to get involved in open source, but also prepares them for many open source summer programs; Google Summer of Code being one of them.

Projects 📝

Here are the projects that I have worked on:

  • Chrome Extensions - A collection of Chrome extensions designed for diverse purposes.

  • Python Projects - A repository filled with exciting and educational Python projects suitable for developers of all levels.

  • JavaScript Projects - A collection of JavaScript projects made by people around the globe.

Contribution 👨‍💻

✨ A list of Pull Requests I created along with their summary and source-code.

  1. Stress Buster 🎵

    Summary: I created a chromium based extension which helps the user in times of stress and anxiety by playing soothing and calm music.

    🧠 Learnings: Understood the architecture of extension, its background processes, extension permissions & DOM manipulation.

    Pull request: click here

    🔗Source code: here

  2. CLI Weather App 🌦️

    Summary: Following are the changes/improvements I made to the application:

    - Added response for 404 error.

    - Conversion of temperature in Celsius.

    - Colorized output based on condition.

    - Added requirements.txt for packages used.

    - Added humidity and feels-like temperature.

    🧠 Learnings: Working with OpenWeatherMapAPI and changing colors in terminal.

    Pull request: click here

    🔗Source code: here

  3. Background Color Changer 🌈

    Summary: I improved the web application by displaying the hexadecimal color code of the color chosen as background. It will let the users copy and use it.

    🧠 Learnings: Manipulation of DOM, and pairing it with on Click events.

    Pull request: click here

    🔗Source code: here

  4. BMI Calculator 💪

    Summary: I made slight and visible changes to the UI so that it appears pleasing to the eyes. Changes:

    - Removed arrows from number input field.

    - Changed styling property for input fields.

    - Tweaked placeholders a bit.

    🧠 Learnings: Prettifying the UI, removing unrequired attributes from an element such as arrows from a number input field.

    Pull request: click here

    🔗Source code: here

  5. Currency Converter 💸

    Summary: I have made slight changes to the project, such as:

    - Added requirements.txt for easy installation of required packages.

    - Rounded off the converted value by 2 decimal places.

    - Added READMEfile with project information and link to ISO codes.

    🧠 Learnings: how to generate a file to specify project's dependencies and how ISO codes work.

    Pull request: click here

    🔗Source code: here


Participating in KWoC marked my journey into the realm of open-source development, and it unquestionably unfolded as an enriching learning journey. The unwavering support and guidance from both of my mentors played a pivotal role. Their effective communication ensured a seamless and collaborative experience for me throughout the programme. I learnt a lot about how the Open Source and delved into diverse projects, actively contributing to their development and enhancement. All these contributions improved my overall git knowledge and GitHub operational skills.